

Discovery phase concentrates the team on defining the right problem, rather than building the solution, is about defining the right product for the right users at the right time.

This is a critical phase from a startup company up to an established corporation, is when all stakeholders understand and agree why they need what the project will deliver.

We have the knowledge and experience to presencially guide our clientes through an inception workshop in order to obtain the best results out of this Discovery phase. Deliverables after this face-to-face work includes the list of main features that the product will have (initial product backlog), the list of features that define the minimum valuable product (MVP) and a stakeholder buy-in for what project will deliver.

We have the knowledge and experience to presencially guide our clients through an inception workshop in order to obtain the best results out of this Discovery phase. Deliverables after this face-to-face work includes the list of main features that the product will have (initial product backlog), the list of features that define the minimum valuable product (MVP) and a stakeholder buy-in for what project will deliver.

Why you should
involve DVelop
in this phase?

Why you should
involve DVelop
in this phase?

Over 10 years supporting the digital transformation of businesses.

We aid clients in reaching detailed knowledge about their own needs and options, as well as the value that their business will have.

We have a long-term vision regarding technology and each business.

Because we are empathetic good listeners, we can facilitate processes based on experience.

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the following phases